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  • Mean Bean Enquirer

O’Shaugnassey “Gilbert” McDonnogal III

Born to an Irish Catholic mother and an Irish Catholic father in Ireland, when O’Shaugnnassey “Gilbert” McDonnogal III isn’t drinking Guinness and eating potatoes, he’s out getting in bar fights and blowing up the cars of Protestants. In other words: this man is the best and brightest the entire republic of Ireland has to offer. We somehow snagged him for 35¢ an hour (that’s a lot to those people).


Got a problem? Think we aren’t a REAL news site like the “National Enquirer,” which STOLE our name? Think we’re just some satire/comedy writers from Charlotte, NC making some JOKE of a site like a lesser-known The Onion, Clickhole, or AboveAverage? Think we don’t FACT CHECK?? Well, you thought wrong.

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