OceanGate Pivots Marketing to Assisted Suicide
Breaking News, Broken News, and Perfectly Fine News
In Memoriam: What Neville Longbottom's Forgotten
Actress Requests No Retouching of Bat in the Cave
Stinko De Mayo! Local Woman's Refrigerator Breaks
Due to Unfortunate Typo, Pollen Farrell Wins Most Hated Celebrity
If Inflation Is Real, Why Aren't My Nudes Selling for More?
Actor on Your Friends List Stars in 3-Second Clip on HBO
The Whale's Brendan Fraser Wins Oscar for Portrayal of Your Mom
Gruesome: July 4th BBQ Explosion; Baked Beans Suspect
Halt Your 4th of July Fireworks Immediately: My Dog is Going to BARK!
Woah! There's a Guy Dressed as a Giant, Snarling Bear at this Party! Wait...
Entrepreneur’s Success Story Goes Viral on LinkedIn
It's Really Hot Outside; Let's Move Independence Day to the Fall
Company Dares to Send National Hamburger Day Email Without Coupon
Man Overjoyed to Find Shrimp HEADS in Cinnamon Toast Crunch 🍤
3 SHAMs who ROCK! ☘
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with this Classic Irish Recipe!
Senate Offers Choice of Lump Sum Stimulus or $10 Annuity for the Next 140 Years
Crap! Did I Miss Tardi Gras?
Farti Gras Slowly Approaching in Large, Green Cloud
Got a problem? Think we aren’t a REAL news site like the “National Enquirer,” which STOLE our name? Think we’re just some satire/comedy writers from Greensboro, NC making some JOKE of a site like a lesser-known The Onion, Clickhole, or AboveAverage? Think we don’t FACT CHECK?? Well, you thought wrong.
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